Elliot Sperling

Elliot Sperling is Associate Professor of Central Eurasian Studies and an expert on the history of Tibet and Tibetan-Chinese relations at Indiana University.

He earned his B.A. at Queens College (1973), and his Ph.D. in Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University (1983).

His field of study is Tibet and its relationship with China.[1][2][3][4]



  1. ^ Sperling, Elliot (2008-04-03). "The Dalai Lama as dupe". The Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-sperling3apr03,0,6974567.story. 
  2. ^ Sperling, Elliot (2008-04-13). "Don't Know Much About Tibetan History". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/13/opinion/13sperling.html?_r=1&ref=opinion&oref=slogin. Retrieved 2010-05-01. 
  3. ^ "Crossroads for the Dalai Lama - Unrest, Conflicts and War, Crossroads, Dalai Lama - chicagotribune.com". Chicago Tribune. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-china-tibet_osnosmar21,1,1812458.story. 
  4. ^ "Oppression could be the end of the road for Dalai Lama's middle way". The Sydney Morning Herald. 2008-03-22. http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/oppression-could-be-the-end-of-the-road-for-dalai-lamas-middle-way/2008/03/21/1205602658013.html.